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We offer a wide variety of training services for many different breeds.
Onsite Training
SAR Certification - Class 1
SAR Certification - Class 2
SAR Certification - Class 3
Home Rescue Certification, Rural
Home Rescue Certification, Urban
Shallow Water Rescue Certification
Short Term Needs
We can provide up to 75% of our dogs out for disaster relief at any given moment.
This allows us to keep any possible replacements on hand should the need arise.
This also accomodates for any possible additional disasters.
We can typically have the SAR dogs to your location within 72 hours.
Instructor/Trainer Training
Instructor training is provided to help setup CSARC locations around the continental US.
We also train individuals on home rescue training techniques for those who may want to train their own companions.
We have several certification courses ranging from beginner to level 7 advanced.
We also provide standard obedience training.