Eagle Lions

Coach Karl Rams

8 Players

“Schlag wie ein Adler , greifen wie ein Löwe!”

“Swoop like an eagle, attack like a lion!”

The Eagle Lions are Germany’s premier youth team and have somehow managed to make it into our association. Revered as “they HAVE to be midgets and not children” no team ever wants to play against these guys. Each player’s bulk easily amasses that of a small rhinoceros with agility surpassing that of a cheetah. The only team that these guys cannot defeat is the White Snowflakes, considered their mortal enemy, and every year their games bring in attendance numbers exceeding most major league baseball games. Anyone looking for the excitement of the must snatch a seat up weeks in advance in order to witness the spectacular display of children’s athleticism.
  • #1 Tom Teichmann, F
  • #7 Oliver Frank, M
  • #9 Benedikt Huber, D
  • #4 Noel Graf, D
  • #2 Marlon Scholz, D
  • #3 Ronja Ingerfurth, M
  • #5 Hannes Haas, GK
  • #6 Thomas Thiele, M