Who am I?
a designer. a front-end developer. an artist. a father. a photographer. a creator. a left-hander. a problem solver.


Prosperity Health - Zachary Price Web Design

Prosperity Health was designed to be a more professional looking website. The aesthetics fit the business and corporate sectors which provide relevant information, are clean and focused yet still provide a pleasing user experience.

I ventured out on this project and dabbled with Twitter's API and found that they've actually made embedding feeds pretty easy. The information that can be provided from relative companies and agencies can really help get information to a business' clients or patients in the event of an emergency.

Adding to the list of features is a Google Maps API used to provide a visual indication of the office's location as well as providing standardized forms that are required to be filled out but can be done so at the patients convenience prior to their visit in the effort of saving time.

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Google Maps API
  • Sublime Text 3
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • MacBook Pro & iMac