This project was another class project that I challenged myself to do as it was for my color theory class. The task assigned was to create a color wheel using any media we wanted to and seeing as how I love all things web, I decided to try and create one using only HTML5 and CSS3.
Now I began trying to shape out eeach slice of the pie on my own but thought to myself that there must be an easier way and so I began to research so more advanced techniques that could aid in my development process. That's when I stumpled upon Cabe's Pen over at Codepen as well as Shankur Cabus' Pen from the same site. Both of these pens allowed me to decipher how these two creative geniuses were able to use some really sweet CSS3 features to create all of the slices of a pie that I would need, color each individual one, spin it if I so desired and even convert the pie into a conical gradient.
Obviously I chose to do both and took this project as a huge learning opportunity to study SASS mixins, nth-child pseudo selectors and a few more geeky things that I won't boore you with here.
This site is best seen using a modern web browser such as Google Chrome.
- CSS3
- Sublime Text 3
- MacBook Pro & iMac